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- Secure Notes Organizer: versions history
- ----------------------------------------
- [+] new feature
- [*] improvement/modification or bug fix
- Version 2.4.5 (September 23, 2002)
- [+] Added new hot keys: Ctrl-Shift-Down to unsert item
- after selected item; Ctrl-Shift-Right to insert item
- as child of the selected tree item
- Version 2.4.4 (August 28, 2002)
- [!] Maintenance release
- Version 2.4.3 (June 24, 2002)
- [*] Document is marked as modified on changing style of
- the selected text: Bold, Italic or Underlined.
- Version 2.4.2 (May 3, 2002)
- [*] Document is marked as modified on changing color of
- selected text
- Version 2.4.1 (April 3, 2002)
- [+] Added ability to export selected note into RTF file
- (reachable from MENU / Edit or from Context menu )
- Version 2.4.0 (March 21, 2002)
- [+] Added ability to export selected note into HTML file
- (reachable from MENU / Edit or from Context menu )
- Version 2.3.2 (March 11, 2002)
- [*] Fixed several small bugs
- Version 2.3.1 (February 18, 2002)
- [*] Fixed bug in AutoSave function. The bugged version
- could erase document in some situations
- [+] Added Czech interface language
- Version 2.3.0 (January 7, 2002)
- [+] Added ability to edit message with attached .sec file
- in e-mail program before sending document to another
- user from SNO
- [+] Added interface in Slovak language
- [+] Added interface in Turkish language
- [*] Fixed bug: the program crashed itself
- on removing minidocument
- Version 2.2.9 (December 13, 2001)
- [+] Updated interface in German language
- [+] Added interface in Serbian language
- Version 2.2.8 (November 24, 2001)
- [+] Added interface in German language
- [+] Added interface in Lithuanian language
- Version 2.2.7 (November 6, 2001)
- [+] Added AutoBackup feature (Options->Saving->Autobackup).
- This tool can be configured to make several backup copies
- of current document.
- [*] Fixed bug: inability to save changes in a document on
- making changes in tree only (not text pane)
- Version 2.2.6 (October 24, 2001)
- [+] Added ability to send document via e-mail
- (File->Send via Email)
- Version 2.2.5 (October 11, 2001)
- [++] Added 'Generate Print Preview Report' tool. It allows
- creating full scale print report including table of
- contents with numbering, text body. Fully configurable
- font settings for each title item.
- Well, with this tool, now it is possible to print
- COMPLETE document with all document structure including
- calendars, trees, shortcuts, etc
- [*] Fixed bug: memory exception of removing folder with
- shortcuts
- [*] Fixed bug: inability to rename tree leaf after creation
- immidiately
- Version 2.2.3 (September 25, 2001)
- [+] Added document AutoSave function
- [*] Default Font is set up on every tree leaf document creation
- Version 2.2.2 (August 15, 2001)
- [+] Added ability to collect & remove garbage (empty notes) from
- autocalendar folder (it can be reached from pop-up menu.
- Rmouseclick on folder title)
- Version 2.2.0 (June 30, 2001)
- [+] Added ability to insert any date into calendar. For example it is
- possible to insert 1950 year by two mouse clicks
- [*] Fixed double asking "Would you like to save changes in document"
- Version 2.1.9 (June 19, 2001)
- [+] Added toolbar's button 'Expand All'. It is used to expand
- all tree's leafs
- [+] Added toolbar's button 'Collapse All'. It is used to collapse
- all tree's leafs
- [+] Added Chinese Simplified language (GBK) language
- [+] Added Chinese Traditional (BIG5) language
- [+] Added Danish language
- Version 2.1.8 (June 8, 2001)
- [+] Now www.notesorganizer.com is official site of the program
- [+] Added portuguese language
- [+] Added version number to About dialog
- Version 2.17 (May 20, 2001)
- [+] Format panel is updated everytime when you changes position of
- your text cursor (it affects to BOLD, UNDERLINED, ITALIC, FONT
- [+] Added 'Document's colors' column to the Colors pop-up menu. It
- means that you can easily choose any previously used color
- from the list.
- Version 2.16 (April 26, 2001)
- [+] New function 'File | Save As...'
- Version 2.15 (February 25, 2001)
- [+] New installator
- [+] Installator detects running copies of program and asks to close it
- before installation
- [+] Added Swedish language
- [+] On [X] close button, program closes and does not go to tray
- [+] Added ability to rename tree leafs using F2 hot key
- [+] Added ability to remove tree leaf using DEL hot key
- [+] Added 'View->Swith pane' command to switch view between
- Folders panel and Edit panel. F5 hot key assigned for
- this command
- [+] 'Customize' command added to Options->Appearance dialog. It
- exists at View menu also
- [*] Bug. On [X] going to tray, and than restoring, all hot keys were not
- working. Fixed.
- [*] On opening new document, current document is not closed until
- Ok button is pressed
- [*] Document Title View is cleared on close document
- [*] Actions->Tray command is executed on Shift-Esc instead Esc
- [*] On File->Close all temporary files are removed from system
- [*] On File->Close, current Edit panel is cleared
- [*] Changed position of 'Folders' menu
- Version 2.14 (January 10, 2001)
- [!] Program's name has been changed from
- Memoirs2001 Pro to Secure Notes Organizer
- [*] Changed splash screen
- [+] New multilingual installation system
- Version 2.13 Christmas Release (December 9, 2000)
- [+] Added auto URL recognition. So, now it
- is possible to insert urls like http,
- mailto, etc
- [+] Added Spanish language
- [+] Added Ukrainian language
- [+] Added nice christmass splash at start-up
- Version 2.12 (December 1, 2000)
- [+] Added ability to sort first-level tree
- items by using folder menu
- [+] Added ability to sort childs of selected
- tree leaf by using pop-up menu
- [+] Added ability to sort all childs and
- grandchilds of selected tree leaf
- [+] Added ability to sort all tree leafs
- and all childs of selected folder
- [+] Added hotkey information into the status
- bar
- [+] Added Korean language
- [+] Added Hungarian language
- [+] Added Italian language
- [+] Added Dutch language
- [*] Commands: Move it up, move it down,
- move it left, move it right are not
- disabled now. Tree.
- [*] After renaming tree leaf, document title is
- renamed immediately
- [*] After renaming shortcut, document title is
- renamed immediately
- Version 2.11 (25 October 2000)
- [+] New powerful language system allowing
- to add new languages without changing
- main programme
- [+] As example added russian.lng
- [+] Ability to configure ALL context menus
- [+] Added new options page Shell Integration,
- with option "Launch Memoirs2000 at Windows
- StartUp
- [+] Added two new buttons - Move Folder Up and
- Move Folder Down
- [+] Added ability to insert tree leafs without
- any icon
- [+] Added comments to every button and menu item
- [+] Added new registration dialog allowing to
- choose way of registration - online or offline
- [*] On insert tree leaf, leaf has same image
- that current leaf has
- [*] Improved tree icon selecter dialog
- [*] Fixed error - "Can't open /EVERYDAY file"
- [*] Improved dialog "Configure Away Time"
- [*] Tray menu has more nice style
- [*] Position of context menu is always near mouse pointer now
- [*] F12 key works again now as Extended Away mode
- Version 2.10 (27 September 2000)
- [+] Added ability to share document via
- network!
- [+] Fully changed interface of the program.
- [+] New ability to create/redesign own
- toolbars!
- [+] New ability to create/redesign own
- menu(s)!
- [+] New ability to change/assign own keyboard
- commands for menu items
- [*] New splash screen
- [+] Fully redesigned menu
- [*] Redesigned options dialog
- [*] Redesigned "Create New Document" dialog
- [*] Redesigned "Password" dialog
- [*] Redesigned "Security Manager" dialog
- [*] Redesigned "Open File" dialog
- [*] Correct inserting of current month name to
- an autocalendar tree
- [*] Program warns user if he tries to create
- document with exisitng name
- [-] Program crashes when user tries to call
- Statistics sometime
- [-] Program crashes when user tries to do
- Global Find sometime
- [!] Exit button works on "Password" dialog
- correctly
- Version 2.09 (30 August 2000)
- [+] Added new Estonian language
- [+] Added ability to export document to text
- file
- [+] Added ability to take off automate adding
- current date to the autocalendar folder
- Version 2.08 (26 April 2000)
- [+] New advanced statistics for document
- (number of folders, document, branches, size
- of file, words count)
- [+] New nice password window
- Version 2.07 (30 March 2000)
- [+] Intermediate files (.lzw) are stored in
- Windows temp directory. So, you can keep your
- documents directly on diskettes.
- [+] Folders have more nice style
- [+] Active folder has bold font
- [+] Security Settings dialog can be moved by
- using mouse
- [+] New design for Options | Date Font
- [+] Several new icons on Formatting Toolbar
- [*] New branch being inserted By using pop-up
- menu can be renamed immediately
- [*] Clock removed from Statistics dialog
- [*] Under Win2000&NT tray menu doesn't crash
- program
- [*] Under Win2000&NT program can be restored
- from tray menu -> Restore Program Window
- [*] Under Win2000&NT program doesn't go
- directly to tray after it has been executed
- [*] Under Win2000&NT tray menu has text
- [*] Under Win2000&NT icons for minidocuments
- are transparent
- [*] Under Win2000&NT icons are transparent in
- the Icon Selecter dialog
- [*] Under Win2000&NT icons are transparent in
- the New File | Template Dialog
- [*] Under Win2000&NT toolbar icons are
- transparent
- [*] Under Win2000&NT About Dialog works
- Version 2.06
- [+] Added ability to copy/paste tree branches
- [+] Powerful HTMLHelp system (was written by
- great Indian writter Abhay Mehta)
- [+] Program can be restored from tray being
- double clicked by left mouse button on tray
- icon
- [+] Added hot key F11 - soft protect and hide
- to tray
- [+] Added hot key F12 - hard protect and hide
- to tray
- [+] Added Menu Item : Actions | Minimize - Esc
- hot key
- [+] Added hot key Alt-X - exit programme.
- Alt-F4, Esc - go to Tray
- [+] New registration system based on RSA1024
- keys
- [*] Documents are loaded significally faster
- [*] Tree branches are bold checked correctly
- ! Calculator can be executed from Tools |
- Calculator
- ! Password is not remembered after document
- has been closed
- ! Folders are not slidered during document
- loading
- [+] DateSelecter dialog is not blocked when
- the date is inserted to autocalendar folder
- from Pop-up menu
- Version 2.05
- [+] New improved HTMLHelp
- [+] Powerful shreding algorithm from GUIDESX
- Encryptor. It is used in the internal
- Shredder.
- [+] All intermediary files are shredded by new
- algorithm - even in unregistered version
- [+] All traces of edited document are found
- and cleared in the memory, so nobody can see
- parts of your memoirs in Windows swap file or
- elsewhere - even in unregistered version
- [+] All icons are replaced to new nice icon in
- the menu
- [+] Improved drawing of the frame of current
- selected menu item
- [+] Menu item "Register now" is removed when
- Memoirs2000 is registered.
- [+] User name is painted on the title of
- Memoirs' window in the registered version of
- Memoirs2000
- [*] Riddle for password is saved to document
- correctly now.
- Version 2.04
- [+] New improved help file
- [*] Improved document's encryption algorithm
- (So you must download converter204.zip to
- convert to old memoirs' files version 2.03 or
- less to version 2.04)
- Version 2.03 (Feb 3, 2000)
- [+] Global find. So, you can press Ctrl-F to
- find sub-string in memoirs' document. Press F3
- to continue search
- [+] Added Brazilian Portuguese language.
- Thanks to Carlos Duenas
- [+] Added option: "Save program window's
- position and size"
- [+] All toolbars' positions are saved and
- restored automatically every time when program
- exits or starts
- [+] Tray's icon signalizes document's status:
- Opened, Soft-protected, Hard-Protected
- [+] All RTF symbols like \'ff are replaced to
- single characters. It reduces document's size
- up to 30-40% for non-english languages. For
- example: Russian
- [+] Added option "Compress document by
- built-in packer or not"
- [+] Tray's icon is automatically restored
- every time when Explorer crashes
- [+] Added progress bar for loading document
- [+] Added progress bar for saving document
- [+] Added option: "Show splash screen or not"
- [+] Tray menu has been changed
- [+] Added option: "Show background image for
- menu or not"
- [+] Added option: "Use large buttons for
- toolbars or not"
- [+] Added check-boxes to Menu | View. Now it
- is possible to hide or show any toolbar
- [+] Changed default program layout
- [+] Added hot-keys: Alt-DownKey and Alt-UpKey.
- Swithes to previous of next folder
- [+] After program's installation, Program
- Group is opened
- [*] Folders panel's width is saved and
- restores correctly every time
- [*] Every time when user Rclicks on any folder
- and selects "Rename" or "Remove", this folder
- is renamed or removed. Not current folder
- [*] Passoword dialog. Exit button works fine
- [*] More correct. All no-empty tree's leafs
- are bold-faced now.
- [*] Standard toolbar's view. Corected. For
- 16-color images.
- [*] Reload button is never blocked now
- [*] Ctrl-R key - for reloading document
- [*] Pop-Up hints are displayed without
- "garbage"
- [*] After uninstalling, all program's
- associations are removed from system
- Version 2.02 (Dec 31, 1999)
- [*] On Alt-F4 program goes to Tray correctly
- Version 2.01 (Dec 11, 1999)
- [+] Easy moving tree's leafs by with the help
- of special green arrows on tree-toolbar- up,
- down, left, right
- [+] Program goes to tray after pressing
- Alt-F4. For exitting use File | Exit
- [+] Dutch language added
- [+] German language added
- [+] New splash-screen with Santa-Claus
- [+] New tray icon
- [*] Different icons are selected for the same
- tree levels
- [*] Folder had been changed when document saved
- [*] Pop-up hints represents as vertical lines
- [*] Error message, after user has been
- selected menu item - Change register
- Version 2.00 (Dec 10, 1999)
- [*] UnCleaning editor window after adding
- tree's leaf
- [*] Loss of some tree's leafs
- [*] Toolbars are painted incorrectly with some
- Windows' schemes
- [*] Menu item "Left Bar" renamed to "Folders"
- [*] Menu item "Document" renamed to "File"
- [*] Sometimes the title of messageboxes has
- "garbage"
- [+] Back/forward buttons like MSIE
- [+] Bold tree's leafs that are not empty
- [+] New advanced language system that allow to
- add new national languages very easy
- [+] Russian language added
- [+] French language added
- Version 2.00 Beta 3 Build 4100 (Aug 11, 1999)
- [*] More useful tray's menu
- [+] New about dialog
- [*] When toolbar's button is clicked then
- background hides
- [+] Completed interactive help system. Now it
- is possible to press F1 time everywhere
- [*] When register of selected text is changed,
- the first letter is cutted off
- [*] Size of main module (kernel.dll) has been
- reduced at 700kb
- [*] Program's icon is transparent now
- [*] More 3D interface
- [*] New icon selecter (of tree's leaf)
- [*] Changed icon selecter dialog (before
- changing icon of mini-document)
- [*] When new mini-document has been created,
- it isn's seen elsewhere
- [*] Program restores from the tray menu to the
- full screen
- [+] New Shredder Officer tool + HELP. Utility
- for destroying/wipeing files.
- [+] Nice clocks in Statistics dialog
- [+] Pop-up hints in Security Settings Dialog
- [+] Pop-up hints in Password dialog
- [+] New Security Officer tool. Utility for
- encrypting your personal files
- [+] Nice typewriter's sounds
- [+] Anti SHOWPASS feature in Password dialog
- [+] Ability to fastly insert pictures to the document
- [+] Security officer has new interface like macintosh
- [+] New title for document
- [+] 25 new icons available for inserting
- [+] Program saves width of folders bar everytime
- [+] Ability to change icons of mini-documents
- Version 2.00 Beta 2 Build 3600 (Jul 15, 1999)
- [*] Linked all Menu | Configure items and
- buttons in Options dialog with their functions
- [*] Several buttons in Password dialog doesn't
- work
- [*] Some of Memoirs2000's files with several
- spaces aren't loaded from MS Explorer
- [*] UnCleaning text in editor after adding
- tree's leaf
- [+] More comfortable "Inserting new
- mini-document" dialog
- [+] Cursor is present when you renames bar
- [*] Ability no select icon in dialog
- [*] "Cancel" button doesn't work in "document
- not found" dialog
- Version 2.00 Beta 1 Build 3000 (May 7, 1999)
- [+] New program, version 1.00, 1.1 are very
- different programs